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Verification of Foreign DNA
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Purification and extraction
Food & beverage labs often need to verify the absence of foreign DNA (bacteria, GMO, etc.) in food samples. DNA needs to be extracted and purified before it can go into analysis. This step is especially significant–if DNA is lost or a bias for certain DNA regions occurs, it can never be correct in the following steps. Also, PCR inhibitors need to be separated here to guarantee powerful amplification of the target DNA and to avoid false-negative results. In this workstep, you have always the choice between manual (centrifuge, pipettes, tubes) or automated DNA purification (epMotion®).
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Amplification and detection
Food & beverage labs often need to verify the absence of foreign DNA (bacteria, GMO, etc.) in food samples. In this workflow, the step of amplification and detection of the DNA is crucial. The power of PCR with its logarithmic amplification is still unbeaten for this task. Getting correct results quickly in this workflow means a lot in food production and delivery.
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